Some amniocentesis complications you should know

Before you choose Amniocentesis prenatal test, it is important to know that this test involves certain risks. Some complications are mentioned below:  

Leakage of amniotic fluid

In many cases, leakage of amniotic fluid from the vagina happens after the amniocentesis testing. In most cases, there is only a small amount of fluid leakage occurs which stops on its own after the procedure.

If the leakage is on-going, you and your fetus will be monitored closely to check for various problems such as infection. Remember that, the risk of complications generally depends on how much fluid is present around the fetus.


     Injury to the fetus

This is another thing that can happen because of amniocentesis. The injuries to the fetus include hip dislocation, lung problems, and clubfoot. You should talk to your doctor regarding these risks before going for amniocentesis.



If you have a chronic infection, then there are chances that the fetus can become infected as a result of the amniocentesis process. The risk is very small, but it is recommended to talk to your doctor about the risk of complications if you have one of these infections.


Also, amniocentesis may slightly increase the chances of miscarriage. Luckily, this risk is very rare. The main thing to know is that the risk of miscarriage related to amniocentesis is only one to three per thousand.


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